What is GoNannies.com? |
GoNannies.com is the modern way to find a domestic position or domestic worker independently. Our website and database offer members the ability to quickly and securely submit their own information to search, and be searched directly by families or care providers. Whether you're looking for a local candidate or are interested in relocating someone, the process is quick and easy with GoNannies.com!
Why should I use GoNannies.com? |
GoNannies.com puts job seekers in the driver’s seat and allows candidates to find the right position for them quickly and easily. GoNannies.com offers many benefits to candidates including direct access to families, search filtering, on-line availability, and statistics on how frequently your information is being accessed.
How long will my account remain active on GoNannies.com? |
Your account will remain active as long as you are actively using it (e.g., logging in). You will be notified via email if your account is about to become inactive and you may login to make it active again at any time (even after it has gone inactive).
How do I know the family profiles are fresh and that the jobs are still likely to be available if I'm interested? |
Families may order membership periods of various lengths, and they may renew the membership as needed. We've found that typically, families will deactivate their accounts once they've hired a candidate so that they will not be inconvenienced with inquiring candidates when they no longer have a position available. There is no guarantee that families will deactivate their account once a position is no longer available, but this is usually the case.
Does GoNannies.com offer any training to become a nanny or elder caregiver? |
No, GoNannies.com does not offer any training. Many nannies and caregivers choose to take courses at their local colleges and universities or enroll in educational programming offered through their local community continuing education department. Still others enroll in formalized training programs designed specifically to educate nannies or elder caregivers. You can view a list of nanny training programs at the International Nanny Association’s website, www.nanny.org.
Do Job Seekers have to pay to use GoNannies.com? |
Candidates never have to pay to use GoNannies.com. Registration to the site is free and once a candidate is registered, they have access to perform all candidate functions on the site, including finding candidate positions and accessing family contact information.
Does GoNannies facilitate the paperwork or visa sponsorship for international candidates? |
No. GoNannies.com does not handle any paperwork pertaining to a candidate’s immigration status. Any paperwork pertaining to a candidate’s immigration status needs to be handled directly by the candidate and/or the employer.
I'm having trouble logging in. |
If you're having trouble logging in, click the "HAVING TROUBLE LOGGING IN" link on the LOGIN PAGE to view all the possible reasons you may be having trouble.
I have not received my password. |
A confirmation email (including login information) is automatically emailed to you as soon as you complete registration with our site. If you have not received your confirmation email, check to see if your email system has routed our email to your SPAM or JUNK folder in error.
If you still can not locate your confirmation email, visit our FORGOT LOGIN page to have your login info re-sent to you.
How do I deactivate or reactivate my account? |
To deactivate your account, login to your account and click the DEACTIVATE ACCOUNT menu item. To reactivate your account, login to your account and click the reactivate button.
How do I renew my account? |
In order to renew your account you may log into your existing account and click the renew button. This will renew your profile a new 30 day period while all of your previous account and profile information remains in tact.
How do I contact a family whose profile is marked private? |
If a family has contacted you and did not provide any contact information, but their profile is marked private, you may send us an email with the family’s ID# and we will contact the family and ask them to contact you again and provide you with their contact information.
How do I contact a family? |
• If you see a job you are interested in, you may contact the family directly through your Message Center. Search for their profile, then click VIEW DETAILS or CONTACT. You will be taken to their detailed profile and the SEND MESSAGE option will be available.
How do I make changes to my account or profile? |
To modify your account:
1) Log in to your account. 2) Click the MODIFY ACCOUNT link located immediately beneath your tabs 3) Click the MODIFY button for the appropriate section you want to modify 4) Make desired changes and click CONTINUE to save.
If I add a background check to my profile, who is allowed to view my background check results? |
Although your profile will indicate whether you have a background check on file, families will only be allowed to view your background check if you authorize them to do so. You will be notified via email and in the background section of your account if a family has requested to view your background check. At that point, you may either release or refuse any request.
How do I add a background check to my profile |
To add a background check to your profile, simply login to your account, click the Background Check tab, and follow the instructions on the page for adding a background check to your profile.
Are GoNannies.com families/care seekers screened? |
Per our terms of use, GoNannies.com does not prescreen any of the families (or candidates) registered on this site. We urge you to perform your own screening and investigation of any persons with whom you come into contact with through our site.
How do salaries work? |
The candidates registered with our site are not employed by GoNannies and set their own rates, which may vary depending on location, experience, duties and responsibilities. Candidates are required to identify their salary range (with the option of selecting "negotiable"). Domestic workers such as nannies and cooks are covered under the Fair Labor Standards Act if they work more than 8 hours for an employer or if they are paid more than the established threshold (adjusted by the Social Security Administration each year) in a calendar year. This means that they must be paid minimum wage for each hour worked and that live-out nannies, as well as live-in nannies in some states are entitled to overtime. You can determine the rates of candidates near you by running a free zip code search on our site and by looking at the desired salaries of job seekers in your area with qualifications similar to what you need. The International Nanny Association also publishes an annual salary and benefits survey recap each year that can provide guidance and insight. There are no salary requirements at GoNannies.com. Any salaries listed have been provided by the candidates and not by GoNannies. Salary requirements should always be discussed and/or confirmed with the candidate directly.
Domestic workers such as nannies and cooks are covered under the Fair Labor Standards Act if they work more than 8 hours for an employer or if they are paid more than the established threshold (adjusted by the Social Security Administration each year) in a calendar year. This means that they must be paid minimum wage for each hour worked and that live-out nannies, as well as live-in nannies, in some states, are entitled to overtime.
Is my information ever shared with any 3rd parties? |
As outlined in our privacy policy, GoNannies.com does not share any candidate or family information with any 3rd parties unless required by law or other legal mandate. Member information is otherwise only displayed to candidate and family users of this site, as outlined in our privacy policy.